
RussianAram Enfi




"Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another:
and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written
before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name."

Malachi, 3:16

"I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every
one of you according to your works… And I saw the dead, small and great,
stand before God; and the books were opened, and another book was
opened, which is the Book of Life; and the dead were judged out of those
things which were written in the books, according to their works…"

Revelation, 2:23; 20:12

"Verily, We shall give life to the dead, and We record that which
they send before and that which they leave behind, and of
all things have We taken account in a Clear Book."

Quran, Surah 36 (Ya Sin): 12

(Please, excuse for some errors of machine translation from Russian)

The author of "Essence Coding Theory" (abbreviated as "ECT") throughout all its diversified research activity has developed the unique metascientifically-heuristic doctrine, according to which essential parameters of each person during his life on the physical plan are exposed to a process of quite certain bio-information coding, resulting, inter alia (including the effects of a purely physiological character), to the formation of a matrix codes of that potentially eternal energy-information substance, which, in terminology of ancient and new antrop-cosmological doctrines, is learnt under the name "An Immortal Soul Of The Person".

Herewith, in the ideological paradigm of the ECT, the "essential parameters of person" concept associated with a complex of those evolutionarily significant ethical characteristics of the person, which, in the highest moral and ethical sphere of spiritually oriented social behavior, are determined not so much the features of their genetics, neurophysiology and environment of socialization, how many the individualized quality volitional decision and up to end free and informed choice of those or any other active-personal deeds in the most evolutionarily important and responsible (in terminology of the ECT, "essential") situations, which, in terms of ekosofic, have a priority relationship namely is to last and highest of the three main spheres of human activity, which are bio-physical, psycho-emotional and energy-intellectual.

In the scientific content of ECT all revolutionary discoveries and most progressive developments in recent years in the field of medicine, physiology and other natural sciences, priority and achievement in the development of many of which (intrinsic psychoneuroendocrinology and psychoneuroimmunology, regenerative surgery, eniology, valueology, bioinformatics, wave genetics, physics of torsion fields etc.) belong to modern Russian scientists, have been carefully compared, systematized and consolidated.

The author’s extensive research investigations in the field of philosophy, theology, psychology, sociology, cultural science, economics, law, semiotics, art studies, linguistics, parapsychology, alternative history, cerealogy also played important role in creation of the ECT.

And finally, the central ideological core of the ECT was seemingly axiomatic, but the depth confirmed by all of centuries-old experience of humanity, is the most general and fundamental postulate of all traditional religions and serious esoteric teachings, according to which the Universe operates the Supreme Law (Torah, Dharma, Tao, Ahkam...), which is written in the Bible: "His delight is in The Law Of The LORD" (Psalm, 1:2); "I will put My Law in their inward parts, and write It in their hearts..." (Jeremiah, 31:33); "I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them." (Ezekiel, 36:27), and a universal action of which is absolutely objective under the attitude to all living beings in the Universe, including every human being, quite apart from his religious views and beliefs.

In the adaptive-metaphysical concept of the ECT, this Supreme Law called "The Law Of Conscience" and acquires the ontological status as the Universal Energy-Information Law of Being, which, when applied to humans, acts on each of the three levels of psychosemantic space continuum of the global Consciousness Field as its operator of meanings and ethical values, basing on a complex algorithm of internal information structure of the person with external Evolutionary Guiding Influence transmitted over a communications channel of Creation System from the Higher (Subtle, or Spiritually-Information) floor of the Reality on a IEV-ladder of Nomogenesis to her lower deck (Energy, Physical Matter) and back, which is just what is adequately reflected in the precise mathematical and other principles and mechanisms of the essential coding.

Thus, all the ethical motivation of people gain legitimacy in the context of the ECT under a valid "jurisdiction" absolutely objective The Law Of Conscience, and evolutionary ethical behavior of everyone to an adequate manner "administered", that is controlled, supervised, adjusted and corrected by the Higher Forces, which create to people all necessary conditions for their full evolutionary development and therefore expect their respective wards "evolutionary return" related with their constant essential growth (including the increasing individuation and refinement of the spiritual structure) on three main essentially-axiological categories:

1.Conscience, that is, essential link with the Higher Forces and the Creator, manifested in strict compliance with the Code of Space Ethics: in personal responsibility for destiny of all human civilization, in heightened sense of justice, in compassion and love for all spiritually high and beautiful.

2.Evolutionary, that is, the capacity for innovation and creative construction, free from the inertia of the dense misoneism, the pharisaic routine, ideological narrow-mindedness and mental stagnancy.

3.Spirituality, that is, participation and ownership to a Slim World, come nearer to which adequately was possible only through advanced science, spiritual culture and high art.






I. The human organism with its genetic apparatus, nervous, endocrine, immune, humoral and other systems represents a single uniform, extremely complex and developed Information-Network Structure (INS), being under constant exobiological control by the Evolutionary Directing Forces (EDF).

II. INS also includes a full range of all human psychosphere, which functions under specific coding mechanisms (though not clearly realizable by people, but quite real, that is scientifically well verified and substantially identified), having in the body of each person their own precisely defined physical substrate.

III. Along with exobiological control, each person is also subject to exopsychological control by EDF, effected so that people could most effectively modify and develop their evolving, first and foremost – ethical one.



"When it becomes clear what is true morality,
it becomes clear and everything else."


01. The ECT concept clearly differentiates three ethical levels:

a) Ethics of the first level is completely unconscious and exclusively conditioned by energy-information management by EDF, i.e. its is a consequence of the purely energy-information component of the Law of Conscience.

This type of ethics is also characteristic for many species of animals, which is especially evident in a variety of extreme and unusual situations when animals suddenly begin to show mercy even to their natural enemies and competitors.

As another example, expression of the nature of this external energy-information management can point to the phenomenon of "will of the population", when sufficiently large populations of animals (flocks, herds, troops, colonies...), without leaders, clearly and smoothly fulfill some unknown "commands", which are perceived animals it is only "collective", that is, the entire group as a whole, and which are thus an imperative priority over "individual" instincts of each individual specimen, ready on "command from above", without thinking, to sacrifice himself for the whole population.

b) Ethics of the second level, though being quite deliberate, but is determined not by efforts of people, not their ability to suppress their own selfish impulses and other negative trends, but certain "innate nobility" - positive ethical attitudes (such as a sense of aversion to injustice), which partly can be attributed to factors of human socialization, but most are already fixed and embodied in their genes, making moral behavior at this level of ethics governed automatically - through spontaneous selective activation of certain parts and sections of their brain: cingulat gyrus, ventral striatum, an islet (insula), shell (putamen), amygdala, etc.

Therefore, in terms of ECT, this ethic is interesting in the aspect of its "atypical fluctuations", that is consciously-willed lowering or raising by people of the "bar" of its initial setting.

c) Ethics of the third level is fully realized. It involves considerable willpower, focuses on adequate response to intellectually and morally complicated (unusual) situations, and aims to solve rather extensive evolutionary problems. This ethic is conditioned by work of any individual parts of the brain, but is a derivative of all its activities as a whole, that is it is dependent on the overall level of its activity and energy consumption, which can reach 99% of all its energy needs, because of the need for continuous and adequate maintenance by the brain of the state of full awareness, attained through appropriate and timely inclusion of all its structures, parts, regions, portions and sections.

In the context of ECT, Ethics the third level is of special interest, since it plays the principal role in the progress (including - general ethical) of the whole human civilization and defines its own (but not "gifted from above", "obtained by inheritance" or due to "will of population") ethical merits of each individual, characterizing him as self-spiritual personality, actually capable to rise to higher levels of evolutionary development.

This ethic, priority operating parameters of the essential level, we shall call "passionary-evolutionary", because of its central imperative: "In each situation must act with the greatest possible benefit for the Divine Evolution!"

Specified imperative corresponds to the First and Greatest biblical commandment: "You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might" (Deuteronomy, 6:5)

In Christian ethics, this First Commandment to add the words: "and with all your mind" (Mark 12:30), in the same passionary-evolutionary ethics to it also adds the words: "and the whole light of your knowledge".

Well those their "neighbors", which prescribes "to love as yourself" The Second Biblical Commandment, from the perspective of evolutionary ethics are recognized for the person only people are susceptible to the leadership of Divine Providence, that is, those who have duly performed the The First Biblical Commandment, and therefore in each situation acts with the greatest possible benefit for the Divine Evolution.

It is clear, that this criterion can be considered "neighbors" and also all those people, whose actions bring the greatest possible benefit for the Evolution of situations, regulated by ethical standards not only of the third, but the first two levels; this rating scale is fully consistent with the Christian principle: "From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked" (Luke, 12:48).

Thus, passionary-evolutionary ethics in the context of ECT inherits the Christian ethic of grace, salvation and transformation, that is, the ethics of creative ascension (sublimation) to the transcendent "Image and Likeness of God", which therefore falls within the competence namely of Sublimation Psychology, associated with the phenomena of "essential transmutation".

02. Essential parameters of rights determined by such qualities and characteristics as the "conscience", "honor", "dignity", "creativity", "freedom and independence of mind", "originality and scope of thinking", "openness to everything new," "commitment to drastic philosophical change", "focus on the ever-widening fundamentalization knowledge", "focus on the development of various innovative products", "possession of a strong causal principle" and so on, are exposed to bioinformatics coding according queries program, which has already initially (on the wave level) lies in the human genome, which is a DNA wave bio-computers, system opened in cyberspace information field (spin-torsion) structures of the physical vacuum.

03. Sampling Program of the human genome, according to which the mechanism works the essential coding, is designed to encourage people to substance growth and evolutionary improvement.

The operation of this program is under the constant supervision of the EDF, who oversees the process of evolutionary development of the people, providing each person internal "guidance system" aimed at optimizing its essential growth.

04. Human behavior in each situation permissibility adequately recorded in the initial bioinformatics coding, which, with the active participation of the apparatus of the central nervous system (CNS), carried out through the appropriate codification of the various, depending on the permissibility of the situation, neuropeptid hormones priority produced by endocrine glands of the brain – neurosecretory nuclei of the hypothalamus, pituitary, pineal gland. The most important of these hormones, in the context of the ECT, we should recognize the nine members neuropituitary nanopeptides - oxytocin and vasopressin, as well as some others, specializing in ethically conditioned situations, ie situations ontogenetically related to the category of "conscience" and all its derivatives.

In the same as information determinants hormones act precisely as elements of well-defined mechanism of evolutionary impact on people from the EDF.

05. Basic principles of the mechanism of the essential coding on the primary (hormonal) stages are as follows:

a) Human behavior in each specific type of situation is conducive to the essential, starting with bodily-emotional level, production of diffuse-endocrine APUD-system of the body of the peptide hormones and biogenic amines, involved in the essentially human ontogenesis (in the process of learning, comprehension of life position, forming moral principles, etc.) and which have for each type of defining the essential situation is quite certain bioinformatics codes.

b) Primary activation of the hormonal codes in the case of sufficient tightness (pronounced and stable repeatability) of any evolutionarily significant patterns of the essential human behavior.

06. The overall chain initially-specified code transformations, organized with the principles of hierarchy and feedback data communication is carried out by the scheme: catfish (areas of the body, internal organs and tissues of the body) - peripheral endocrine gland - tropic hormone - peptide hormone - the psyche (the complex functions of the brain and other parts of the CNS responsible for the essential human behavior).

This, from the standpoint of basic units of cognitive neuroscience and methodological developments of NLP in the structure of the nervous system already encrypted whole "emotional history" the essential human experience.

07. Full (finished) cycle of the essential coding is a phased generalization of a single, but very complex (multilevel, polymorphic, polyreactive, fractal-structured) process, implemented with the help of a whole system of algorithms for the encryption of its specific mechanism.

08. In the mathematical apparatus of the essential mechanism’s digital component used for encoding complementary binary code, consisting of the digits "1" and "0" (on the evolutionary epistemological principle of Kolmogorov), and the encoding process is carried out on the essential coding a complex sextuple-nonary algorithm, reflecting the antithesis of the "earth-heaven" and implemented through the accumulation of mutual annihilated (karma antipodal) elements - material "gravitons" and spiritual "photons".

In this algorithm involved and both are applied a combination of two coding schemes:

a) nonary scheme of intellectual and psychological motivation (for Enneagram and the matrix of Pythagoras with elements of "Ars magna", "Penrose tiling" and "Tree of Life" Kabbalah Numerology, which include the ternary-sextuple system of cultivation "Flower of Life")

b) binary-sextuple scheme of situational selection (by Yin-Yang and I-Ching).

In turn, the mathematical algorithm sextuple-nonary ECT-coding is based on the ternary principle, (3x2, 3x3), reflecting the general trend of preference for objective coding of incoming information through three-graded signs of three-parameter mechanisms and reliable fixation of periodic events in their threefold repetition, which is well traced in different patterns of thinking and dominate the known phenomena of culture, art and the unconscious sphere. This ternary principle is presented in three ECT code entries, organized "under the Sudoku-scheme", and here is correlated with the three-factor semantic space, three-dimensionality of perceptual world and a three-level signaling system of the organism - insensitive, sensory and semiotic.

09. Full semiotic (sign-symbolic) system is the essential coding, along with the purely mathematical (numerical) algorithms, also includes elements of the figurative meaning: typographic-schematic and color structures, multislice and fractal hierarchical constructs, linguistic texts, sounding melodic-rhythm-harmonic sequences etc. But all of these elements, eventually, also reduce to a certain digital codes, the same way as in the modern technical devices to digital codes reduces all sorts of graphics, audio, video and any other information.

10. The process of primary essential coding is controlled by the staff of the human CNS and optimized by its APUD-system, which, in turn, is governed by the internal ultra-precise sensors of electromagnetic radiation of the human body, generated by ultra-low radiation of individual cells and be conventionized by his supersensitive distant-information intercellular interactions.

11. Involvement in the process of hormonal coding virtually all vital organs and tissues of the human organism is provided with presence at all these organs and tissues the nerve cells of APUD-system as well as very fast and efficient dissemination of various kod-bearing agents throughout the human body, together with the total blood flow (humoral).

Cells of the diffuse endocrine system, producing neuropeptide hormones such as somatostatin, are also present in the cerebral hemispheres of the brain, which only confirms his status as the central organ of the neuroendocrine regulation.

12. One of the key points of all holistic essential coding process is the phase of hormone-genomic interaction, in which formed the essential component of the genomic coding. This component represents the highest level of genomic coding, given that at its lowest level consistent with the initial stage of the biosynthesis of proteins involved in already well-studied genetics "canonical" mechanism of the triplet encoding by the amino acid nucleotides.

Hormone-genomic interaction on the essential level is as follows:

a) Hormones (including - neyropeptidnye) and other neurotransmitters interact with the chromosome apparatus of brain neurons by means of DNA-binding domain of their specific receptors. Because of this interaction, on the essential level there is an activation wave component of the human genome: under the influence of "good" essential codes, to generate a man in his daily essential-evolutionary activity and transmitted to the genomic DNA by kod-bearing hormones, of the human genome load in its vital information system and run it in operation are "dormant" evolutionary programs that were written on the chromosomes in the form of "archived texts".

b) Full-scale operation in the information system of the human body "awakened" in a manner an evolutionary programs, through regulation of gene transfer in the body of hormones and other neurotransmitters, begins to effectively influence the different characteristics of the essential behavior of this man, and as a result - significantly improve the quality of accumulating them in the future the essential codes.

c) Permanent and long-term impact on the genome of different (like "good" and "bad") the essential codes leads (including - epigenetically) to induction of some (positive or negative) genomic, chromosomal and gene mutations (alleles).

d) Thus, in the scheme of hormone-genomic interaction starts a mechanism of positive feedback essentially-inform communication: "good" essential coding helps to activation of genomic DNA and induction the positive mutations (alleles) in genome, while activation of genomic DNA and positive genomic, chromosomal and gene mutations (alleles), in turn, contribute to further improvement of the essential character sets, and so on. In the case of "bad" core codes of all the positive points in this scheme are replaced by negative ones.

13. In the ECT evolutionary-ethical context, essential genomic code, inter alia, to perform also a very important socio-cultural functions, ultimately related to building and strengthening at the gene level of the moral behaviors that are characteristic of members of a long-term civilization community.

14. Primary hormonal codes can also provide a significant impact on a purely physiological status of a person, since codes bearing neuropeptides as well as other hormones and neurotransmitters using the DNA-binding domain of its specific receptors interact with the genomic DNA of the human body various organs and tissues cells, producing in them this or that (as a rule - quite significant) changes: "good" hormonal encodings can, in particular, a favorable effect on the immune system, significantly strengthening it, and "bad" character sets, up to dangerous "hormonal mutations", can disrupt the normal functioning of the human body various organs and tissues cells genetic apparatus, in certain situations, provoking the development of these cancer process and other serious pathologies with simultaneous weakening of the immune response.

All these issues are handled by discipline called psychoneuroendocrinoimmunology (PNEI), according to which the immune, nervous and endocrine systems that support the information in the body homeostasis (balance), if necessary, compensating and signal modulating effect of each other. For example, one of the managers of the endocrine glands of the brain, the pineal gland or epiphysis, has immune modulatory effects by stimulating the production of endogenous opioids - mediators of the physiological function of stress, while the peptide extract of pineal gland stimulate cellular immunity, and the pineal gland hormone melatonin was not only a suppressor function of sexual glands, but also an activator of antioxidant systems of the body, stimulating its antitumor immunity: the ability of melatonin to stimulate the activity of T-lymphocytes and antibody synthesis, that is precisely the function of the immune system (eg, thymus), which weaken in old age.

On very closely the immune and endocrine systems of the body seen in a very fact that a key organ of the immune system, along with the bone marrow, is precisely the thymus, which combines a central role in immunegenesis and important endocrine functions, including production of various hormones as one of the endocrine glands of the body - the thymus gland.

It was established that the immune system through cytokines and specific antibodies can directionally regulate the function of the nervous and endocrine systems, and vice versa - their own immune cells regulated by hormones and neurotransmitters.

Open the phenomenon of neurosecretion, when the same cells are also producers of hormones and other elements of the nerve centers. Discovered neurotransmitter function of a number of hormones.

Found structural and functional similarity of a number of hormones with cytokines, interferons and/or antibodies. Shown that hormones, neurotransmitters and their receptors are included, together with antibodies and antigenic receptors of lymphocytes in a network of idiotype-anti-idiotypic interactions in which signals the neuroendocrine nature can be copied in the form of their immunological imagery.

Lymphocytes characterized by neuroendocrine function, in particular, the ability to allocate some pituitary hormones and their immunological copies. The immune system is regarded as a touch, providing a sense of antigenicity and possesses immunological memory for images. Its products (antibodies and cytokines) influence on the hypothalamus and other departments of the central nervous system, causing changes in neuroendocrine status, behavior and mentality.

15. Circulatory system of the human organism delivers a hormonal substratum with primary encoded in its essential information also in the human brain, where this information is subject to secondary treatment by consciously-intuitive (rational-emotional, R-E) neuroprocessing, localized in interband space of functionally asymmetric cerebral hemispheres.

At the same time all the necessary encoding of incoming information during neuroprocessing provides epiphysis with its silicon "brain sand".

16. Some of the coded information is transmitted to the brain via kod-bearing nerve impulses and wave method.

Along with the hormonal, at the neuroprocessing treatment of essential information may have a significant impact also three other factors: neural-dynamic, behavioral-expressive and verbal, since a number of neuropeptides (eg, TRH) are effective only if accompanied by a verbal, that is the word most actively contributes to creating the necessary conditions for the transfer of the information package, contained in a speech to the information code hormone.

All these factors caused the general level of intellectual development of man, and binary action of hormones as the determinants of Conscience a good correlation with the practice of everyday life of society, where ethical motivation is also provided on one side - the presence in each person genetically predetermined control system for the implementation of The Law of Conscience (Inner Censor, Superego), and on the other hand - the availability of information for every civilized man written and oral instructions emanating from the various moral authority, spiritual teachings, religious doctrines, moral codes...

17. Neuroprocessing occurs continuously in the "basic" mode of functioning of the brain, not stopping (often even activate) during sleep and uses for their needs most (from 60 to 80%) of all energy used by the brain.

18. Effectiveness neuroprocessing depends on the state of a "default" network of neurons of the cerebral cortex and levels of development (including capacity) his corpus callosum, responsible for the exchange of information between the right and left hemispheres. In this case, the quality of work on the "default" network of neurons of the cerebral cortex and corpus callosum depends on the level of cultural development rights.

19. In neuroprocessing actively involved regions of the brain participating in emotional evaluation of ethical behavior: the hippocampus, some areas of the thalamus, orbitofrontal cortex, the lower temporal gyrus and right temporo-parietal junction. The quality of the functioning of all these regions depends on the level of spiritual development of man.

Significant role in neuroprocessing is the degree of inhibition of the cortex of the parietal lobe of the brain, due to the degree of openness of human consciousness various influences from the EDF.

20. Neuroprocessing treatment of essential information, except the second-activation functions, carries out simultaneously the important corrective functions, including - in the form of forced induction of remorse, thereby giving the person an opportunity to realize many of its essential shortcomings, and - for the present not too late - them to fix.

From the purely scientific (neurophysiological) standpoint, such correction due to the fact that the basic structures of the brain also relates to the specific essential apparatus, consisting of a "matrix of essential standards" and associated with "essential error detector", which gives the no sanctions for any behavioral patterns and thoughts, nasty essential installations brain.

And the chronic violation of these basic neurophysiological systems leads to various diseases, physical death, or worse - to the need for very severe posthumous mining.

21. Current the essential information about the person at any given time consists of a full set of secondary activated at this time of hormonal codes, which for some reason could not be corrected during neuroprocessing treatment in the brain.

e essential information virtualized occurs under the scheme described in the Hameroff - Penrose Quantum Neurocomputation Theory, according to which brain activity is transformed into a virtual state on the basis of an orchestrated selection of space-time continuum, where he performs brain in this process as the interface to implement the transition from biosubstance to metacyberstructures, associated with the Field of Consciousness.

23. If exobiological control of vital activity taking-transmitting antennas role is fulfilled the liquid crystals from human genome, creating of its dynamically changing topology a continuum of holograms and holographic gratings. Such control is possible precisely, because virtually all elements of the genetic apparatus - it is an optically active structure, rotating the plane of polarized light, which means having a torsion-field attributiveness. On the other hand, the role of "antenna" for exo-psychological control at the stage of the essential R-E performs upper appendage of the brain - the pineal gland or epiphysis, which transmits and receives outside external information flows, recognize them and carefully analyzes. Then, this control information comes to the hypothalam-pituitary and other departments of the neuroendocrine system of the organism, and there is already realized form (through activated hormonal codes) is transferred to back of the human wave-genome, thus closing the full Essentially-Information Cycle.

24. Finally processed (structured according to qualitative parameters, properly corrected and virtualization) essential information about the gone with the physical plane human essence through the fields of information received be deposited in the specially selected for her cell in Evolutionary Database, where of the its total content at the time of death of the physical shell of rights is a summary of the essential matrix codes rights, called in the ECT "Applicant’s Essential Code" (AEC), which is correlated with its "Code of Spiritual Rank" (CSR).

25. In relation to the harmless, but evolutionarily little value AEC, depending on the overall rigor of the evolutionary balance of the Applicant, from the EDF can be used soft eniocorrection, "painless involutory processing" or full and final "involutional disposal".

26. In relation to all malware AEC from EDF are different, including very hard and painful, enioprison measures associated with the need to valeosanitation - the destruction they contain dangerous "karma viruses".

27. In the event that AEC (CSR) is sufficiently evolutionarily valuable and meaningful, it is organically (according to the principle of hierarchy-organismic process) integrated into the essential content of the Creating Center (Evolutionary - Hierarchical Instance of the higher level authority), thereby acquiring the status of the Applicant for an Access Code in the essential area of Immortality, giving Applicant the right and opportunity to preserve their the essential foundation and continue its further improvement at higher levels of evolutionary development.

Thus, all the essential (due to evolutionary ethics) information about a person can, in terms of ECT, regarded as the anthropic component of an Universal Energy-Information Exchange, as the foundation of modern Evolutionistic and Ecosofic.
Described in the ECT and afforded by the EDF a System of Essential Control based on the highest Enio-Evolutionary technologies, allowing EDF with utmost precision and speed to recognize in the everyone Channel-Algorithm of Conscience even the subtle essential dynamics.
The provisions of the ECT are confirmed not only in the field of medicine and science, but also an alternate history, metaphysics, theology, philosophy, psychology, while having a clear correlates of ethical semiotics, according to which the essence of the person - is probabilistically defined manifestation of the semantic field, in the attractant environment of which such, for example, essentially-ethical qualities as "honor", "dignity", "justice" realized due to the ability of evolutionarily mature person spontaneously generate in morally critical situations nontrivial "semantic filters" that allow it to retain its essential personality and thus give a chance to gain essential immortality.
As we have already talked about this, in the context of the ECT in the new worldview level approved by the ethics of creative evolutionary ascension (sublimation) to the Image and Likeness of God. But, since that particular tool, which is able to update this transcendent Image of the and give adequate representation is the artistic imagination and the imagination of outstanding art, then as a powerful culture-transformation factor having an ontological status, transcendental-informational nature and attractive-character attributes in the context of the ECT the adequacy of the gains also Aesthetics, representing in this perspective the soteriologically updated concept of the Philosophy of Art, where the aesthetic synergistically interacts with the ethical.
For deep conviction of its author, the ECT (having attributes of universal ethical teaching of scientific and spiritual antropokosmologic doctrine) should be considered as the only valid means by which humanity is intended to create the first in its history, science-based epistemology in the sphere of doctrinal ethics - the very epistemology, whose status will allow her to also claim the role of adequate Ethical Basis (The Institute for Conscience) in the holistic context of the III-rd Millennium's New Worldview Paradigm.

Work on the ECT began in 1988, with the advent of article A.I. Belkin and
A.I. Rakitovo "Hormones in the information structure of Man."
Basic principles of ECT formulated in 1991, and in its
subsequent editions ECT were openly available to
the public free review in the Internet.


A.Enfi. Essence Coding Theory as The Ethical Basis of the III - rd Millennium's World Outlook Paradigm.

A.Enfi. Psychoneuroendocrinological aspects of the ECT (Comments to article of professor A.I.Belkin "Hormones and unconscious").

A.Enfi. Psychoneuroimmunological aspects of the ECT (Comments on the article by Professor V.S.Rothenberg, "psychoneuroimmunology - a new aspect of an old problem")

A.Enfi. Essence Coding Theory in light of the basic philosophical, psychological and sociological concepts (a series of articles).

A.Enfi. Medical and natural science aspects of the ECT (Review of scientific materials).

A.Enfi. Spiritual brain function in aspects of The Essence Coding Theory.

A.Enfi. Essence Coding Theory in light of the Quantum Genetics.

P.Gariaev, A.Enfi. Ethics, Spirituality... Oncology, Hiv (A new look at the problem of Cancer and HIV infection in the light of Wave Genetics and Essence Coding Theory by the material of Russian socio-cultural realities).






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